Riot Fest 20th Anniversary Lineup Clue #3
Riot Fest 20th Anniversary Lineup Clue #1
See you back in Douglass Park this September.
QUICK, GRAB YOUR TICKETSRiot Fest 20th Anniversary Early Bird Presale Tickets are on sale now! Prices increasing soon.
Fat Tour 2012 with Lagwagon, Flatliners, Dead to Me and Useless ID announced
Early this week news broke of a new incarnation of a Fat Tour, with Lagwagon, The Flatliners, Dead To Me and Useless ID touring around the United States and Canada.
There’s a new “Filmage” trailer
The folks behind the long gestating Descendents/ALL documentary Filmage posted a new trailer this week.
Blank TV debuts Cold As Life documentary trailer
Last night Blank TV debuted the first trailer for a Cold As Life documentary titled A Detroit Story.
Boozing keeps bedbugs away
Researchers at the University of Nebraska have shown that begbugs are more likely to keep away with the higher alcohol content in your blood.
Two Fisted Law debut “Late Nights and Bar Fights”
“Drunk punks” Two Fisted Law have tamed up with Blank TV again to debut another music video.
Yellowcard detail “Southern Air”
Violin enthusiasts Yelowcard have detailed their newest LP Southern Air.