See you back in Douglass Park this September.
QUICK, GRAB YOUR TICKETSRiot Fest 20th Anniversary Early Bird Presale Tickets are on sale now! Prices increasing soon.
Devo and Blondie are touring together
Though only four dates have been announced so far, it appears that Blondie and Devo will be spending their Fall together on the road.
Toxic Holocaust also plan American and European tours
The same Tankcrimes email that was referenced earlier today also contained new tour dates from Toxic Holocaust.
Elway detail new “Hence My Optimism” EP
Ft. Collins punks Elway announced details of their next release yesterday afternoon.
New Bruises detail “Chock Full of Misery,” post a song
An email came in this morning with some news on a new full length from New Bruises.
Stream – Guantanamo Baywatch – Chest Crawl
Last night Self Titled Magazine launched a stream of Chest Crawl, the new full length from Portland punks Guantanamo Baywatch.
Arby’s sandwich served with sliced finger
Need a way to lose weight by losing every desire to eat a fast food joint? Arby’s has found the solution.