Death row inmates love soul food
It’s a terrifying indescribable feeling that only a rare amount of people can fully explain: knowing the exact moment of when you’re going to die. Can you imagine knowing the last day, hour, minute, of when your last breath will take place?
Pussy Riot name “presumably” written in blood found at murder site
The BBC reports today that pro-Pussy Riot graffiti was found at a murder site in Kazan, Russia.
Here’s a new Trash Talk song called “F.E.B.N.”
The first preview track from Trash Talk’s tenure with Odd Future Records is now online.
Dinosaur Feathers plan US tour
New York indie poppers Dinosaur Feathers recently announced details of a new US tour.
Samiam’s “Complete Control Sessions” coming in October, here’s a preview track
On October 23 SideOneDummy will release another entry of their Complete Control Sessions series, this time with Samiam.