Sick and tired of not being taken seriously in the workplace? Then you probably shouldn’t go around drawing penises all over the office walls. Just sayin’.
Disbarred attorney, Tom Corea, was ordered by the state district judge to be thrown into jail after he allegedly trashed his office and drew penises all over the walls. Earlier this year, Corea was charged with four felonies alleging he stole money from his clients. He was arrested but released after posting bond. Weeks later, after failing to pay rent for his upscale office, he was evicted. According to the president of the real estate company that represents the building, Doug Molny, the entire office was completely trashed. Molny said that the damage done included: “penis graffiti on every single wall throughout the building and it appeared someone took a sledgehammer to granite counters. Doors, light fixtures, cabinets and appliances were destroyed or removed. There was also feces and urine on the floor.” He caused about $100,000 in damages and is currently being held on a $500,000 bond.
Is it just us or do you kinda want to party with this guy on a Friday night…