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HAZEL A162585 • Spayed 2 year-old Female • Available for Adoption at Chicago ACC
Silly Hazel has been waiting quite some time for her forever home! She came into the shelter on 3/9/17 as an abandoned dog. That’s 125 days in a cage 🙁
We don’t know if Hazel is part sled-dog and just needs to run-run-run, or if she’s only this energetic because she spends almost 23 hours a day in a cage. We are confident Hazel will require an active home, but how active that home remains to be seen. We’d love to see her running with her forever human along the lakefront path though.
When Hazel calms down enough to hang out, she’s a sweet girl. She takes treats gently and is very food motivated. She was digging in my bag for more treats and almost cleared me out. Hazel is on the skinny side right now and could use some meat on her bones. She doesn’t appear to know any commands yet – we’re working with her. She’s easier to work with when she’s tired out (which isn’t often).
When Hazel sees other dogs across the yard, she forgets you are there. She can be barrier/fenceline reactive but does better when on the same “side” as other dogs. Hazel attends dog playgroup where she likes to engage in rough and rowdy wrestling style play with a lot of chase mixed in. She needs play partners who can match her style and give her a run for her money. Calm, passive dogs need not apply. This summer Hazel has found she also likes giving the dog pools a spin. Feel free to email us at cacctpdogs@gmail.com
PLAYGROUP: https://youtu.be/V-Iga0rS6Ac
PLAYGROUP: https://youtu.be/mGoxTgJzJ4o
2741 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
Adoption hours are Monday-Friday 12pm-6pm.
Additional information can be found in the links below:
Adoption information: http://tinyurl.com/adoptioninformation
Donate to our dogs and cats! http://tinyurl.com/caccdonations1
All our adoptable dogs can be viewed here: http://tinyurl.com/CACCdogs