The town of Victorville, California is being invaded by hundreds and hundreds of tumbleweeds that are enveloping homes and destroying lives.
Wind gusts of up to 60 mph have covered entire homes and some residents are even calling the police for assistance.
Unfortunately, there may be no stopping them, “With the winds as strong as they are, as soon as they clear certain areas, more tumbleweeds are blowing right back in,” says Victorville spokeswoman Sue Jones told the Daily Press.
“We have received several calls and we’re aware of the problems with tumbleweeds there, primarily in Mesa Street area,” Jones said. “We’re not exactly sure how many homes are affected, but we’re estimating about 100 to 150 homes in that area.”
We aren’t sure exactly what the tumbleweed is or what their motivations are, but one thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the tumbleweeds will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new tumbleweed overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted music festival, we can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground tumbleweed caves.