Ladies and gentlemen, graphic design enthusiasts of all ages, the results are in! After sifting through a painful array of truly awful designs and questionable font choices, we are ready to reveal the winners of the Riot Fest Worst Lineup Poster Contest. Your commitment to creating posters that defied all known conventions of good design was truly remarkable.
Taking home the coveted first place and a pair of 3-day VIP tickets is Sasa M. whose poster had us reminiscing to the butter-Stamos days of old. In second place, winning a pair of 3-day GA tickets is Tim C with his barely legible, horrendously-crafted red and black masterpiece. And let’s not forget our third-place winner, Al B, whose miswifty design kinda hurt our feefees. You’ve earned a pair of single-day tickets to Riot Fest for a day of your choice.
Congratulations to our champions of attempts at comedy in design, and check out all the truly awful contest entries below.