CONGRATS to brooksmiller9. You had the best bracket and have won a pair of tickets to the Riot Fest of your choice.
It’s that time of year again. It’s March and everyone gets Angry for some reason. Experts who think they know everything do terrible and people who never watch college basketball do great.
We decided to jump on the bandwagon and do our own Bracket Challenge. Join us and play against Riot Fest fans and staff.
To Join:
Go to ESPN’s Tournament Challenge.
Locate the Group named Riot Fest and join.
The password is: RiotFest. (one word. Capital R, capital F)
Make sure to get your picks locked in before the games begin on Thursday!
The person with the top bracket wins a prize. (I have no idea what the prize will be because I thought of doing this like 15 minutes ago)
Have fun and good luck!