A deer was caught on camera eating human remains at a body farm in San Marcos, Texas.
Researchers at the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility set up a camera at the body farm, research facilities where decomposition of human remains are studied, to catch different scavengers disposing of human remains
Deer are typically herbivores, but have been known eat meat and chew bones. This is the first time the behavior has been caught on camera.
Researcher Lauren Meckel, writing in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, said: “We thought the forensic community might like to know about it so we published this brief report on the first case of a deer scavenging human bone.”
You’re goddamned right we would like to know about it Lauren. You caught a deer on camera with a human rib bone hanging out the side of its mouth like a goddamned cigar.
Deer are eating people.
It’s difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume us or merely enslave us. One thing is for certain. There is no stopping them; the deer will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new deer overlords. We’d like to remind them that as a trusted music festival, we could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their salt lick mines.