…dog. Wiener dog. Get your mind out of the gutter. But then again, that’s why we like you.
Meet Obie. A morbidly obese, 5 yr old Dachshund. Typically, these pooches are supposed to clock in at about 30 lbs. Obie clocks in at 77 lbs. Yes, he’s carrying 40+ lbs of excess fat which makes him the fattest wiener dog in the world. Thankfully, through outcries and protests, Obie was relinquished from his former owners who just couldn’t say “no” to those begging eyes. To much relief, Obie is currently living with veterinarian, Nora Vanetta, in Portland, Oregon. Nora is determined to get Obie back on track and is even detailing his every day progress on the Facebook page, “Biggest Loser, Doxie Edition.” Granted Obie is still too large for regular exercise, he’s on a special diet and is currently in the pool undergoing therapy.
Wonder if he’s ever tried a Chicago hot dog. Eh? Eh? Get it?