TYKE A165108 • Neutered 8-year-old Male • Available for Adoption at Chicago ACC
Tyke is very calm in his cage and he easily comes out. He walks nicely on a leash and likes to sniff around a lot. Tyke is a calm, easy-going guy. He enjoys walking around the run with a toy in his mouth, sunbathing, and just lounging around – he doesn’t do much more than that. He takes treats gently but isn’t terribly food motivated. Tyke was surrendered with Bella who found rescue. While in the shelter together, Bella was happy to see him. Tyke didn’t show much interest in her. Tyke LOVES getting attention from people and flops to his back for belly rubs. He also knows “sit.” If you’re looking for a lazy guy to hang with, this is your boy!! He’s been with us at the shelter since 5/5/17 (89 days).
Tyke attempted to go to playgroup with other dogs besides his old housemate Bella, but he has remained pretty stiff with his hackles up. Tyke allowed a little sniff, but any contact was responded to with a snap. He’d likely do best as an only, snuggly, lovable pet.
Have questions about Tyke? Feel free to email us at cacctpdogs@gmail.com
2741 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
Adoption hours are Monday-Friday 12pm-6pm.
Additional information can be found in the links below:
Adoption information: http://tinyurl.com/adoptioninformation
All our adoptable dogs can be viewed here: http://tinyurl.com/CACCdogs